30 weeks

How did we get here?

Suddenly we’re in the “end zone”. I feel like I’ve had a bit of an explosion of growth lately and we’re all of a sudden getting really close to D day.

I look super pregnant.

I’ve packed a go bag for the baby and will be packing our bag this week I think – feels like I have loads of time to do this but I also know anything can happen.

A family friend and my boss are both throwing baby showers for me, which I’m really happy about but it also feels alien to be looking forward to a baby shower. I attended an afternoon tea for my sister-in-law in September and that was the first time I agreed to attend one and actually didn’t hate it. Infertility is hard to shake.

The size/what features:  Babe is the size of a zucchini, a large cabbage, a platypus (!), a winter squash. He is moving so much still and giving big kicks in all directions. He has been mostly head down for a few weeks but occasionally I think he is transverse as I get wiggles on both sides (but could be hands I guess!). D has had a lot more chances to feel him now, as he is so keen on kicking, especially on my right side where he likes to hang out most of the time.

Sleep:  Some terrible nights lately with hip pain, but then also some nights where I have no issue. It’s totally just down to growth spurts really I think. I get super tired but I also need to remind myself not to do too much.

Food cravings:  Dumplings today! Mmm.

Food aversions:  I haven’t had any lately.

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Symptoms I HAVE:

Hunger – Trying to eat lots of small meals to manage the heartburn.

Skin – Dry and itchy still, lots of moisturising going on!

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Stretchmarks:  A few have popped up under my belly now for sure.

Doctor’s Appointment:  Seeing the midwife tonight! And because it’s an evening appointment D will get to finally meet her, which is good.

Movement:  All the time, as above!

Best moment of the week:  We’ve been talking more to the baby which has been fun, and all the wiggles are great. I’m also close to having 6 weeks left at work which feels almost manageable!

What I’m looking forward to:  Taylor Swift this weekend! It’ll be interesting balancing my intense excitement and looking after myself/needing to lie down.

What I miss:  I genuinely think I may sleep better (in quality, not quantity) once baby arrives. It’s a bizarre thought, but the pain and difficulty finding comfort will mostly be resolved once I give birth hopefully, so it’ll be a matter of napping as much as I can and working around him, especially once I’m not working full time. I’ve been told this by a few people who had difficulty sleeping in their pregnancy (though they told me in hushed tones, fearing being shunned by other parents) so we’ll just play it by ear.

I’m so excited for him to be here that we will just roll with whatever comes.

4 thoughts on “30 weeks

  1. You will definitely sleep better once the baby arrives. The sleep is amazing, it doesn’t even matter that there is less of it. The quality more than makes up for the quantity!!


  2. I am just catching up on your blog and I wanted to say I am just delighted to hear your happy news!! Hoping that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and that your little miracle will arrive safely 🙂


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